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Portfolios help you to create dedicated programs to track and manage your security testing activities. Want to know how your internal systems compare to your external systems? Or wanting to track security posture for your applications? Portfolios makes this easy!
Every Portfolio
comes with Streams
Streams help you to consolidate all of your related testing activities for a portfolio, for example:
Stream 1: US External Apps
Project 1: USA Commerce Portal
Project 2: USA Mobile App
Project 3: Main Integration Gateway
Stream 2: European External Apps
Project 1: Main Integration Gateway
Project 2: EU Mobile App
Portfolios and Streams can help you track Business-as-Usual (BAU) pentesting and help you to better understand where to focus your time and resources more effectively.
Projects can be assigned to many streams and portfolios. This can help to ensure you are tracking the right vulnerabilities, across your enterprise.
Using the example above, vulnerabilities in project Main Integration Gateway
might be relevant to both USA External Apps
& European External Apps
- therefore could be assigned to both streams.
Every Portfolio and Stream has a unique dashboard which includes details on vulnerabilities, projects & assets - helping you make more informed business decisions when it comes to tracking and remediation.
Portfolios are created and managed by administrators.
View access can be given to individual portfolios, or their respective streams, to non-admin users. Those users will only see data relevant to projects they have access to on the portfolio and/or stream.
Start by clicking on Portfolios module in your main menu. You must be an Administrator. Click on New
Complete the details for your portfolio. You can add a stream by clicking on Streams
Enter a name for your stream, and optionally link any existing projects to the stream.
You can create as many streams as you need.
View access can be given to to non-admin users for individual portfolios or their respective streams. Those users will only see data relevent to projects they have access to on the portfolio and/or stream.
You can add new projects to Portfolios & Streams directly..
To edit a Portfolio, click on the cog
from the portfolio page.
Select Access and Streams. You can create new streams and link associated projects, or you can update existing projects on existing streams.
You can also associate a project with one or more Portfolios & Streams at time of project creation or approval; or when editing a project.
View access can be given to to non-admin users for individual portfolios or their respective streams. Those users will only see data relevent to projects they have access to on the portfolio and/or stream.
Access can be granted to portfolios and/or streams based on Groups
or Users
Access can be granted to the entire Portfolio and its related Streams using the option at the top of the Access and Streams
settings page for the Portfolio.
Alternatively, access to individual streams can be granted by clicking on any of the streams and configuring the access on that stream.