Login Redirects

AttackForge supports login redirects to help your users & customers access the data they need, quickly and efficiently.

You can append any of the following redirects to the login URL, which can be shared with customers:

  • ?redirectTo=sso

    • This will automatically redirect the user to sign in with Single-Sign-On (if available)

  • ?redirectTo=register

    • This will automatically redirect the user to registration page (if available)

  • ?redirectTo=resetPassword

    • This will automatically redirect the user to password reset page (if available)

  • ?redirectTo=/app/…

    • This will automatically redirect the user to a page within AFE, after the user has logged in.

Examples are provided below for reference:

  • https://<AFE_TENANT>/#!/login?redirectTo=sso

    • Redirect to SSO login

  • https://<AFE_TENANT>/#!/login?redirectTo=register

    • Redirect to registration page

  • https://<AFE_TENANT>/#!/login?redirectTo=resetPassword

    • Redirect to password reset

  • https://<AFE_TENANT>/#!/login?redirectTo=/app/projects

    • Redirect to list of all projects after login

  • https://<AFE_TENANT>/#!/login?redirectTo=/app/projects/5bdd20d8128aa82e0040a75d/dashboard

    • Redirect to Project Dashboard for a specified project, after login

  • https://<AFE_TENANT>/#!/login?redirectTo=/app/projects/5bdd20d8128aa82e0040a75d/overview

    • Redirect to Project Overview for a specified project, after login

  • https://<AFE_TENANT>/#!/login?redirectTo=/app/schedule

    • Redirect to Schedule / Calendar after login

Last updated

Check YouTube for more tutorials: https://youtube.com/@attackforge