Self-Service RESTful API
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Easily automate workflows using our Self-Service RESTful API. It is perfect for customisations and integrations into your enterprise ecosystem.
You can use the Self-Service RESTful API to:
Retrieve vulnerabilities for your projects, and export them into your vulnerability management and/or ticketing systems.
Import data from external systems and datasources such as CMDB and asset registers; vulnerability management tools; and vulnerability template & methodology datasources.
Create automated workflows for submitting & approving project requests; or Create automated workflows for new projects and managing project team.
Retrieve audit logs for the application, or for a user or project.
Extract analytics such as Top X Most Common Vulnerabilities; Top X Most Vulnerable Assets; and Top X Most Failed Test Cases.
Retrieve and update project data such as test cases, notes, workspace & executive summary.
Create assets / scope on a project from a datasource.
Audit users and create / activate / deactivate users when required.