This method can be used for the following: Update custom fields configuration for a type;
The following URL, Headers and Parameters are required for requests to this API endpoint. Where a parameter is optional, it will be indicated. Otherwise treat all parameters as mandatory.
type (string)
Update configuration options for a particular type. Must be one of the following: vulnerability-library, asset, or portfolio
config (array of objects)
List of all custom field configuration options for a particular type. This will replace the existing custom field configuration for the specified type.
custom_field_type - must be either input, textarea, select, ui-select-multiple, datepicker, or table.
custom_field_key - must be a string with alphanumeric & underscores only.
custom_field_default_value (optional) - must be a string.
custom_field_label - must be a string.
custom_field_required - must be either Yes, or No.
custom_field_display_in_tables - must be either Yes, or No.
custom_field_hide_condition (optional) - must be a string.
custom_field_sort_order (optional) - must be a number between 1 and 999.
custom_field_placeholder (optional) - must be a string.
custom_field_information (optional) - must be a string.
custom_field_view_roles (optional) - view access to custom field. must be a string array. Values must be either "admin", "projectoperator", "librarymod", "consultant", "client"
custom_field_view_groups (optional) - view access to custom field. must be a string array. Values must be Group Ids.
custom_field_view_users (optional) - view access to custom field. must be a string array. Values must be User Ids.
custom_field_edit_roles (optional) - edit access to custom field. must be a string array. Values must be either "admin", "projectoperator", "librarymod", "consultant", "client"
custom_field_edit_groups (optional) - edit access to custom field. must be a string array. Values must be Group Ids.
custom_field_edit_users (optional) - edit access to custom field. must be a string array. Values must be User Ids.
custom_field_linked_project_key (optional if type is project-request) - must be a string with alphanumeric & underscores only. type must be set to project-request.
custom_field_select_field_options (required if custom_field_type is select or ui-select-multiple) - must be an array of objects. Each object must have an "option" and "value". option must be a string. value must be a string. custom_field_type must be set to either select or ui-select-multiple.
custom_field_table_field_columns (required if custom_field_type is table) - must be an array of objects. Each object must have a "column_type", "column_key", "column_label" and "column_required". column_type - must be either input, textarea, select, ui-select-multiple, or datepicker. column_key - must be a string. column_value (optional) - must be a string. column_label - must be a string. column_required - must be either Yes, or No. column_select_field_options - is required if column_type is select or ui-select-multiple. column_select_field_options must be an array of objects. Each object must have an "option" and "value". option must be a string. value must be a string. column_type must be set to either select or ui-select-multiple.
The following example is a cURL request to update custom fields configuration for projects.
Include API Token instead of stars in 'X-SSAPI-KEY: ***************************************' parameter.
Response contains a status and a list of custom field configuration objects.
Last updated